A gift for you! Here is a Remix Workouts video. Take 48 minutes out of your busy day to recharge. Have your hand weights and mat handy. Always use good form. Reminder: Our LIVE classes are one hour long : ) We all know. We’ve read about it, our doctors told us, our friends acknowledge that we should keep moving as we age. Not only does exercise help us move better in our daily life, it also contributes to brain and immunity health. How do you make this work if exercising has always been a struggle and a chore for you? Can you really start “enjoying” working out? Research tells us that you will enjoy the results that working out regularly will bring. After a month, you will have a perkier step, stronger body, better stamina, great sleep, and a more positive outlook.
1- Be consistent Time to change the pattern of starting a class and quitting after a bit. Consistency will bring results. This is where knowing yourself helps a lot. Do you need accountability? Someone who is there to keep you going. Like a coach or a cheering guide. Some people have to pay money to feel their commitment. If that’s you, recognize it and find your solution. 2- Make it doable Ok, you’ve joined a class (it’s Covid time so let’s assume it is an online class). Clear a spot in your home where you can easily spread your mat and move about. Keep the necessary equipment handy (like hand weights). In short, make sure you do not have to remodel your living room every time you want to exercise. Same idea goes for your workout clothes. Keep them easily accessible so you don’t have to search for your favorite socks before class. 3- Stick to it, don’t negotiate Do not listen to that voice! The voice that tells you that you’ve exercised once this week and that is enough, you sure deserve another day off. Plan your workouts (in a planner if you need to) and stick to the schedule. Be safe and realistic when creating your schedule. In general, allow a day of rest after a weight lifting day to give time to your muscles to recover. And remember, consult your health care provider before starting a new exercise program. This 3-ingredient recipe might sound very simple but I must tell you, over the years these are the three components that created a failproof plan to get unmotivated people to finally start and keep exercising. This fall we started offering online workshops. Coming up in November: "Your Posture, Your Back" which should be of interest to all the home workers in these days of Covid. The small webinars are a great way to share targeted information with clients. Find details under -> More Info -> Workshops. Please do not hesitate to propose ideas for future workshops.
Need to kick the Covid blues? We offer private classes to fit your needs. Wherever you are on your fitness journey, we will meet you where you are. Exercise in the privacy of your own home, and take time for self-care. Be ready to surprise yourself!
Yes, we are now online! Offering 8 classes a week, at convenient times. People can exercise from wherever they are. Our first month went extremely well. We are continuing online for May 2020.
Staying strong, we are all keeping the blues away. Sanity through fitness! Starting July 2nd, we will be offering a new class at Sunset Hill Community Center. Titled Fitness for 50+, this class will move you! Literally. Our goal is to teach people how to work out smartly. Bring your hand weights, a mat, and water. Wear comfortable clothes and athletic shoes. Join us to learn what to do to improve your stamina, strength, bone density, posture, even your mood! Class will start at 8:30 am. Visit our website or contact us for details. And the best part is your tryout class is FREE!
This past year has been busy!
In February 2018, I started contributing to The Parkinson’s Fitness Project. Here is their mission: “The Parkinson’s Fitness Project’s mission is developing physical and online training centers to promote ongoing neurologic health in those with Parkinson’s Disease.” Live classes started in February at their newest location on First Hill in Seattle. Every Monday and Wednesday, we offer a bootcamp style AMP (Amplitude + Mental Agility + Power) class and a ChairFit class. Added to this schedule are one-on-one sessions and taping of classes for TPFP’s Daily Dose™ program. The Daily Dose provides videos on demand so people with Parkinson’s Disease can have access to PD specific exercises from anywhere in the world. The workouts we film are short and doable. The menu is varied so people can find a class for their level. I feel that I can finally use what I studied years ago in college. Mix movement to humor to get people motivated. More than working at Swedish Hospital and at Microsoft in the early 90s. More than voiceover work and IT translation. This work is so close to my heart. Every day, it is like writing a love letter to my husband who has Parkinson’s. Be consistent and resilient. It is ok to carve time to take care of yourself. Remember that in order to give (energy, time) to others you have to keep your own "bucket" full. That attitude is not being selfish. It is simply self-care. It is very important to put your name on your list of things to do. And do it! Early morning workouts are great for this reason. Nothing gets in the way. You prepare for a nice day, knowing you took time for you. You are also calmer and in control all day. If you are not a morning person, find a fitness group that you enjoy. It will make going to class exciting and something you look forward to all day. Adapt for you. Fitness can be fun and still be challenging. See you soon!
At Remix Workouts, we are in planning mode! Spring has arrived and the flowers are coming out. We are working on our new spring/summer programs. They have to be engaging and easy to adhere to. Like always, we should enjoy ourselves and see results. Here is a New York Times article discussing the best exercise for aging muscles. It explains why our classes work. Take note. Happy Spring!!!